
Daily Schedule

We will plan activities according to the age and developmental level of each child in care and provide children with a variety of experiences and that are based around the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. The daily activities include a flexible balance of indoor and outdoor activities, active and quiet play, and individual and group activities. The activities provided will expose the children to a variety of cultures and will encourage the children to use and develop language and literacy skills, use large and small muscles, think creatively, learn new ideas and skills, and participate in imaginative play. The activities are designed to provide protection from excess fatigue and overstimulation and to ensure that each child can be successful and feel good about himself or herself. Some of the activities include:

PLAY is the major component of our program.
Enough time, materials, and space will be provided for children to actively explore the world around them.

What We Offer



6 weeks to 24 months

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  • Feeding themselves.
  • Walking up steps using alternate feet.
  • Using the toilet daily.
  • Developing daily hygiene and nutritional patterns and habits.
  • Attempting to put on shoes and socks.
  • Using 3–5-word sentences.
  • Engaging with adults and peers.
  • Sorting things, manipulating toys with parts and playing make-believe.
  • Expressing them self, turning pages and pretending to read.
  • Reaching fine and gross motor competencies.


2 years old

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  • Balancing on one foot, jumping, and engaging with activity stimuli (e.g., throwing, kicking, catching, etc.).
  • Recognizing letters, colors, objects, numbers, time, etc.
  • Bathing, dressing and undressing themselves with minimal assistance.
  • Washing their hands, brushing their teeth, and maintaining hygiene and toilet habits.
  • Engaging in group games.
  • Asking questions.
  • Knowing and recognizing their first and last names.
  • Taking turns and understanding the concept of sharing and respecting the personal space of themselves and others.
  • Attempting writing and increasing their exposure to reading.


3 to 4 years old

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  • Feeding themselves.
  • Walking up steps using alternate feet.
  • Using the toilet daily.
  • Developing daily hygiene and nutritional patterns and habits.
  • Attempting to put on shoes and socks.
  • Using 3–5-word sentences.
  • Engaging with adults and peers.
  • Sorting things, manipulating toys with parts and playing make-believe.
  • Expressing them self, turning pages and pretending to read.
  • Reaching fine and gross motor competencies.


A New Beginning Family Child Care uses the FunShine Express Curriculum, designed to help your child develop and reach their full potential. FunShine Express Curriculum is a professionally designed Early Learning program for young children. Lesson plans encompass all areas of a child’s development: language, cognitive, physical, and social. Children learn best through interacting with their environment, and FunShine Curriculum activities are designed with that in mind. They will help us prepare your children for a bright future, and have fun along the way!